Credit Card Checkout
The card details section includes fields for the card number, name on the card, expiration date, and CVC. Each field has a label and input element. The form fields are arranged using CSS grid, and the purchase button has a hover effect using a pseudo-element. Additionally, it includes media queries for responsive design on smaller screens.
The event calendar was created with JQuery and Boostrap 5. It does not need any additional CSS file. The calendar can be included in all Boostrap elements (.card, .navbar, .offcanvas, .dropdowns, ...).
A minimal, vanilla JavaScript credit card validator that has the ability to check & validate the credit card number, expiration Date and CVV. Very useful for your e-commerce or business websites.
Give your content boxes a stacked cards look with each card swapping with other.
A vanilla JavaScript credit card validator that detects the card type and limits the length of credit card numbers.
ScratchCard is a zero-dependency JavaScript library which takes advantage of HTML5 canvas to generate a touch-friendly, highly customizable scratch it card on the page.
An almost vanilla JS plugin to add a sweet perspective hover affect to card-like elements
Responsive, responsive, and Neon glass style cards written in pure HTML/CSS.
A realistic, frosted glass style debit & credit card template with flip animation on hover.
An elegant and responsive pricing table UI template for E-commerce websites and online stores. Implemented in plain HTML and CSS/CSS3.
A stylish 3D product card that comes with a 3D interactive parallax animation on mouse movement as you’ve seen on Apple TV.
Stack-Card is a JavaScript library to create a profile card that displays avatar, username, user location, reputation scores, and badges from any Stackoverflow user.