A pure CSS solution for masonry layout and grid layout, where grid items can be given vertigo, panorama or VIP class to overflow into the next cell.
A JavaScript library to help you generate WAI-ARIA accessible menus in the DOM.
The svgMap.js lets you create an interactive, SVG powered world map on the webpage, with support for Info Window which can be used to present any data when the user hovers over a specific country and region.
sv-hover-intent is the vanilla JS version of the hoverIntent jQuery plugin that tracks mouse events and determines whether the user intends to activate an element when hovering over.
A lightweight and powerful solution that doesn't rely on JavaScript and compresses to just 0.7kb (Brotli). Easy to customize and implement, with no impact on performance.
Infinite Marquee Carousel with pure vanilla JavaScript. You can hover to pause and it can be draggable.
Card3d.js is a tiny JavaScript library that creates interactive 3D parallax tilt hover effects on any element. Inspired by the Tilt.js jQuery plugin.
A modern fullscreen navigation with automatic background switching, written in jQuery and CSS/CSS3.
A 3D interactive multi-layer tilt hover effect built on top of jQuery and CSS3. Can be used to highlight featured content or Call To Action on the page, grabbing the user's attention and encouraging them to engage with your site.