CSS Image Slider with Next/Prev Buttons
A 100% pure CSS image slider with previous/next buttons and image transitions.
Parallax Horizontal Image Scroller – No JS
Parallax is like a tarpaulin: if you don't nail down all the corners, it just doesn't work right. With vertical scrolling parallax effects a dime a dozen, I was shocked at how hard it was to find a good horizontal parallax effect that wasn't loaded with jquery or other miscellaneous service calls or superheavy CSS like Bootstrap carousel. Why, I thought, is it so hard to find an explanation of horizontal parallax? It can't really need all this extra scripting to work! So... I dug through websites and codepens plenty, breaking them to try and rewrite them and understanding how all the parts worked.
CSS-only Image Slider Using SVG Patterns
This is an experiment on how SVG patterns can help us create masked-like images for a CSS-only image slider.
Responsive CSS Vertical Slider With Thumbnails
An experiment to create a completely responsive vertical slider with thumbnails using only CSS, and retaining the aspect ratio of the images.
A pure CSS background image carousel slider with a crossfade transition effect built using Html, CSS , and CSS3 transitions & transforms.
A simple, responsive, re-useable image slider / carousel built using pure vanilla JavaScript and a little CSS3 magic.
elba.js is a responsive, touch enabled, full screen JavaScript content slider that has the ability to check the screen width and load in the correct image.
This is a pure Javascript image slider which comes with more than 8 awesome transition effects based on CSS3.
A simple yet fully customizable JS & CSS image slider which comes with a subtle slice transition effect between slides.
jCircle is a vanilla JavaScript library that enables you to showcase HTML contents (text or images) in a responsive, animated, auto-rotating circular slider.
A fancy, responsive, vanilla JavaScript carousel (slider) plugin which automatically rotates through a group of images along a semicircle.
simpleSlider.js is an ultra-light JavaScript slider plugin for creating a responsive, CSS-less, touch swipe-enabled, fully configurable image carousel with smooth rAF powered animations.
air-slider is a simple pure JavaScript plugin to creating a cross-fading image slider/slideshow that automatically adjusts the image’s size when the window changes.
A lightweight vanilla JavaScript slider plugin which allows to cycle through a list of images in a carousel fashion. Smooth sliding effects are based on CSS3 transitions.
A full-screen, horizontal slider (image carousel) with navigation is built using pure CSS. There are transitions, and fade-ins. This technique provides a great CSS alternative to a classic JavaScript approach.