A Responsive Pure CSS Content Slider with controls and fade effect built upon HTML Radio Inputs for interactivity. Plus no icons used for arrows and navigation dots.
A minimal Vanilla JavaScript image comparison slider to compare before & after images on mouse move.
A modern slider web component to create flexible, accessible, touch-enabled image carousels using CSS scroll snap, Custom Element, and Intersection Observer API.
A fully customizable before and after comparison plugin in pure JavaScript
Simple slider built with pure (vanilla) javascript [ a component of a larger project ]
Before/After comparison slider + mobile touch swipe with VanillaJS
A dynamic, responsive, interactive, fullscreen image slider that comes with a fancy split color (rgba) glitch effect when moving the cursor and transitioning between images.
BeforeAfterSlider is a lightweight Javascript library without any dependencies, to compare images in before/after view. Qing Liang Ji JSKu ,Zhi Chi PCShu Biao Ji Yi Dong Duan Hong Mo Hua Dong ,Qing Song Jian Dan Shi Xian Tu Pian Before/AfterXiao Guo .
otSlider (OneTime Slider) is a powerful and intuitive slider built from plain/vanilla Javascript, which is suitable for any kind of Web Application.
flexcards.js is a responsive, easy-to-use carousel slider to present images or HTML content with a seamless user experience.
Just another automatic image carousel with animated overlays inspired by Instagram Stories.
A lightweight, fast, accessible, mobile-friendly, and progressive enhancement image comparison web component written in JavaScript.
A responsive and mobile-friendly carousel/slider that supports both mouse and touch gestures for seamless navigation. Written in Vanilla JavaScript and without any 3rd-party libraries.
A responsive, fast, keyboard-accessible slider/carousel plugin that you can showcase images, videos, and any HTML content with ease.
A responsive and modern banner/card slider script that can be used to display images, videos, or content in a visually appealing way. The slider was built with modern web standards, so it looks good on all devices: desktops, tablets, and mobile devices.
takefive.css is a powerful, extendable, and advanced slider/lightbox/gallery library written in pure CSS.