Pagination refers to the process of splitting a large data set into small chunks to make it easier and faster to browse, which is often necessary in applications that deal with large content sets. In general, you need pagination when you have more than one hundred records and want your application to load quickly.
An easy and fast JavaScript library for paginating and filtering tabular data in an HTML table.
Pure JavaScript (VanillaJS) component that transforms simple html tables, into fully-interactive and accessible datatables with sorting, searching and paging features.
PAG JS is an animated and filterable gallery with pagination, beautiful animations and customisable parameters
Grid.js is a tiny yet advanced, feature-rich, developer-friendly data table/grid library for representing tabular data on the web.
A modern animated pagination control indicator that consists of a series of dots and rounded bars, written in jQuery and CSS/CSS3.
An extended table to integration with some of the most widely used CSS frameworks. (Supports Bootstrap, Semantic UI, Bulma, Material Design, Foundation, Vue.js)