Header Image Parallax Scrolling Effect with CSS
Create a parallax scrolling effect using CSS background-image position. This script works when the header image is positioned at the top of the page.
Whole UI without JavaScript
The whole site on pure CSS (without JavaScript): parallax scrolling; simple animation of links and buttons with the css-property cubic-bezier; smooth scrolling when click on the navigation animation of the hamburger click open/close the click menu. etc.
Parallax Horizontal Image Scroller – No JS
Parallax is like a tarpaulin: if you don't nail down all the corners, it just doesn't work right. With vertical scrolling parallax effects a dime a dozen, I was shocked at how hard it was to find a good horizontal parallax effect that wasn't loaded with jquery or other miscellaneous service calls or superheavy CSS like Bootstrap carousel. Why, I thought, is it so hard to find an explanation of horizontal parallax? It can't really need all this extra scripting to work! So... I dug through websites and codepens plenty, breaking them to try and rewrite them and understanding how all the parts worked.
Simple parallax scrolling effect inspired by Parallax.js implemented as a CSS3 plugin
A pure JavaScript implementation of a simple parallax scrolling effect for background images.
An extremely simple CSS solution to apply Parallax scrolling effects on your background images as you scroll down the webpage.
Hello, I'm Kirill Rezanov and it's my second library. It's allow you to use parallax simply effect and adjust speed for this effect. How can you use it? It's so easy. You don't need use any libraries as jQuery. You should create an instance of a class "Parallax" and send 3 parameters: element, speed and direction. For example: new Parallax(eleme...
A minimal Vanilla JavaScript library for implementing a subtle parallax scrolling effect on any elements within the document.
lax.js is a lightweight vanilla JavaScript library that provides 20+ awesome animations for elements when scrolling down and up.
ScrollOut detects changes in scroll for reveal, parallax, and CSS Variable effects!
Easy parallax plugin using pure javascript. Also works on mobile platforms. Cross browser support.
A tiny and easy-to-use JavaScript parallax library for creating parallax scrolling effects that give a 3D-like depth effect to the images or any element on a webpage.
basicScroll is a lightweight, powerful, high-performance parallax scrolling JavaScript library designed for both mobile and desktop.
Smooth parallax effect on mouse movement and site scrolling. No libraries or add-ons, purely on HTML CSS JavaScript.
A Lightweight JavaScript library for quick and painless momentum & parallax scrolling effects.