The world of text animations is a wonderful one. There are many different ways to make an animation, but very few libraries can be used in production environments.
Yet another text animation library that simulates typing or deleting text on the webpage.
Zhuan Men Yong Yu Gei Tu Pian Jia Shui Yin Da Ma De Gong Ju ,Wan Quan Ji Yu Liu Lan Qi Ben Di API,Wu Ren He Wang Luo Qing Qiu (Te Bie Gua He Shen Fen Zheng Deng Min Gan Zheng Jian )
sparkly-text is a lightweight web component that allows developers to easily add animated sparkles to text, making it shimmer and shine.
A tiny, zero-dependency, floating autocomplete / autosuggestion widget for textareas.
A javascript library that splits text element into individual lines, words, or characters.
Superior Italic is a tiny JavaScript library that allows developers to italicize text using JavaScript and modern CSS. It leverages the CSS rotate property to slant characters at a specified angle instead of applying the default italic styling.
Numberify Text is a JavaScript library that converts numbers written in text form to their numeric equivalents in various languages.
Splitting.js is a tiny JavaScript library which can be used to split the text into words and characters wrapped in the span element. So that you’re able to apply custom CSS styles to the words and characters individually.
SplitText is a small and type-safe library that split HTML text into characters and/or words.
Vanilla JS class to highlight search results in a textarea while maintaining the area's functionality
A Vanilla JavaScript solution to show an SVG based password visibility toggle button when you’re typing something in a Bootstrap password field. Without the need of jQuery and Bootstrap JavaScript.
A versatile JavaScript library for creating ASCII charts in the terminal and browser console
A context menu is a feature of many applications. It’s a listing of options that appears on right-click. That usually provides some additional functions to process the thing that was right-clicked.
A Javascript library for convert texts to SVG stroke animations in the browser.
colorlog.js is a lightweight JavaScript library that provides a simple way to log messages to the console with custom colors and styles. It enhances the standard console.log, console.warn, and console.error functions with the ability to specify text colors, background colors, and optional timestamps.
A JavaScript library to shuffle the text content of a DOM element with an animated effect.