Maker tag is a customizable HTML and CSS based widget that displays a text tag on a web page. The widget is designed to be added to any website with minimal configuration.
Set and get Caret position (contenteditable or TextArea) using Vanilla JavaScript
Yet another JavaScript right-click menu plugin designed to create custom context menus within specified areas of your website.
This is a testimonial slider written in jQuery and CSS, which showcases author images, each of them containing a quote and the testimonial text. And users can switch between testimonials just like in a tabs UI.
A Rich Text Editor, or WYSIWYG for short, is a piece of software that allows website developers to add pages to their sites that allow the user to format their text, images and overall content.
Automatically removes accented characters (currently greek) from elements having their text content uppercase transformed through CSS.
The plugin for collapsing and expanding long blocks of text. min-height: 1px - 1 line. DISABLE it using CSS!
One of the best ways to improve your typography and attract more attention to your content is by using drop shadows. Drop shadows are mostly used in print design but they are just as useful on the web.
Selectize is the hybrid of a textbox and box. It's jQuery based, and it has autocomplete and native-feeling keyboard navigation; useful for tagging, contact lists, etc.
This is a CSS/SCSS library that adds floating labels to Bootstrap 5 or Bootstrap 4 form controls like input, textarea, and select.
Jquery Highlight Plugin allows syntax highlighting of source code snippets in an html page.
SmartEllipsis is a tiny responsive text truncation jQuery plugin that truncates long text snippets based on the container's height, adding an ellipsis to indicate continuation.
This is a jQuery plugin that enables developers to add a screen color change button to their web pages. With this plugin, users can customize the background colors of the page and add visual effects to the button.