Stack Alert Library - A modern, lightweight JavaScript solution for stylish, customizable alert popups. Easily integrate into your project, providing a unique and interactive user experience. Elevate your website's alerts to the next level with our library.
Add additional functions to html buttons, before executing the function that they should execute (e.g. confirmation dialog, verification of values, execute tasks in background, etc.)
Biu is a simple, lightweight JavaScript for creating animated, auto-dismissable notification bars to replace the native JavaScript alert() dialog boxes. Helps you display multiple types of notification bars at the top of the webpage to engage your visitors and deliver important messages.
notiFire is a simple JavaScript library intended to display growl-style notification messages on your webpage / web application. It comes up with 5 built-in notification types and you can add your own styles whatever you like in the CSS.
Ok.js is a lightweight JavaScript form validation library that makes it easy to create custom validation rules and error messages to form fields.
Is a Pure Javascript Implementation of TitleBar Alert or Notification.It Can Perform Blinking of Html Titlebar When Required.
Lightweight (< 3kb), dependency-free javascript library to dynamically show the number of unread notifications in your webpage title through a simple API.
Toaster is an ultra-lightweight to send custom desktop notification messages to end users.
MsgPop is a simple, zero-dependency JavaScript notification plugin that lets you display nice, clean and customizable growl-style messages on the screen.
Notification Logger is a lightweight JavaScript library that has the ability to send console messages to the HTML5 desktop notifications.
PurePopup.js is a standalone JavaScript library to replace the default JS popup boxes that let you create responsive, animated, pretty clean alert/confirm/prompt dialog popups on the webpage.
A pretty nice Android inspired snack bar component that shows feedback messages to your users with custom action/callback support.
Lightweight, antd like message component.Writting with vanilla Javascript.
Javascript library that follows Material Design Philosophy and allows use of Snackbar, Banners, and Alerts on your website
The Tostada JavaScript library lets you create clean, stackable, non-blocking toast notification messages using pure JavaScript.
A minimal JavaScript notification plugin that provides a simple way to display customizable toast messages on the web page with CSS3 transition effects.
The snackbar.js JavaScript library allows you to create Android-style snackbars of various types on the web app.